Maximize your profitability

Discover with us the rentability of your future plants.

Follow the steps below to estimate your Return On Invesment.

ROI Calculator

  • Fill out our form below with your contact information

  • Receive our ROI calculator (Excel Spreadsheet)

  • Fill out the spreadsheet with your local data and obtain your ROI

This calculator is being provided to you for informational and educational purposes only, and accuracy of results is not guaranteed. Use of this calculator is not, and should not be considered as investment, legal or specific business advice. Neither ROMETA S.A., nor its employees or affiliates make any claim, guarantee or warranty regarding the results or accuracy of this calculator or consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by this calculator.

Why invest?


Quality and benefit of our client's project. 

We analyze your production needs in material and manufacturing volume looking for the best solution for your investment and profitability.


Great expansion

Our international success is backed by more than 65 years of experience in the field of block making machines and batching plants.

Currently, we work in 4 continents, preparing, helping and advising our clients in their projects.


Rometa aims to work effectively and efficiently in a short time.

Our equipment makes it possible to reduce labour considerably with our automatic machinery, which produces from 500 blocks/hour to 3.000 blocks/hour.

Attract to the business

Rometa adapts to the customer’s project with the latest technology 4.0, providing innovation, functionality and optimum productivity in all its machinery with the best alternative in quality-price.

Expert advice

  • At Rometa we study your needs and design the plans for your installation to guarantee the best technical qualification and the greatest possible profitability.

  • Listening to our clients, we adapt to their requests to create a personalized project for each client or any new investor.

  • We advise you on all or part of your project according to your needs, whether it is an initial project or the modification of an existing installation.

Find us on:

Zona Industria
Ronda de les Conques, 21-23
08180 Moià - Barcelona
+34 938 208 181 


ROMETA incorporates components from leading brands known worldwide in electrical and hydraulic equipment.

Our company is certified in accordance to standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and our facilities meet the safety requirements of European Directive EEC 2006/42 / C.